
In the mood

after bitchin my life on the internet lately, I found some books that might be (and it is) worth to read during this holiday.

Also, Chuck Palahniuk's Choke & Rant are going to be my must-read too. Thanks to Idya who digs Palahniuk's werrk and share it happily with me.


Anonymous said...

hello umi ajeng.merry christmas! hehehe telat. aku pernah baca yg extremely loud&incredibly close.bagus bgt lho banyak gambarnya hahaha

Ajeng said...

merry christmas too kiddo! oh ya? baca dmana? iya di internet di kasih tau kalo banyak gambarnya. penasaran gue! hahaha

Anonymous said...

baca dirumah lah huehuehue.wkt aku masih kelas satu.jgn lupa baca yg incident2 itu jg ya heheheheh

Pramesti WIdya Kirana said...

hehe anytime jeng! palahniuk lives! gw pgn bgt baca fight club sm nanti klo choke udah keluar ntn brg ya. eh gw udah lama bgt pgn baca thank you for smoking, parah2 penasaran bgt. kyanya that's next on my list deh. hehe

Ajeng said...

lah lo bukannya udah baca fight club ya? iya id gampang2 hahaha. gw udah ntn thank you for smoking tp gw baru tau kalo itu dari buku. pdhl gw ntnnya udah lamaaaaaa bgt hahaha