
My friend from outer space

Adip. That four letter word refers to my star wars buddy, Adip, who is now pursuing his directing talent in San Fransisco, CA. He came back last holiday and we had loads of fun, even though I met him only once hahaha.. Ok, besides being my star wars buddy, he's also my Kubrick buddy, my Gondry buddy, my One Piece buddy, my internet buddy, and gazillion others buddy. hahaha.. What made me write this post is that I just Skype-d with him and to be honest, he really made me laugh throughout the call and that's just made my day. My earphone doesn't have any speakers so I can't talk to him. So I replied him via MSN and it wasn't enough. He kept laughing everytime I replied. And I had to keep my voices down cus my sisters were sleeping zzzz.. He played his favorite songs over and over which were... cheesy yet funny yet apaan sih?!? hahaha tapi sumpah kocak banget. terus dia nyanyi-nyanyi sama main drum. He said he wanted to make a band with his friends. Gila gilaa... I've never met someone who as multitalented as you are, man. Then he showed me his room which was fulfilled by loads of movie posters and they are insanely amazing! He has this one poster of 2001: A Space Odyssey but it was written in French (2001: l'espace ... something) Dang i want it!! Hm.. what else? Oh! He spoke French which was amusing hahaha I've always liked people who speaks French so no hard feelings loh, dip. He also curcol (curhat colongan) A LOT hahahaha dasar lo emang rajanya!! He is the only person who knows how to make me jealous into the core of my heart. He's seen Coldplay and Sigur Ros. He's been to NYC and Central Park, of course. Aaaaannddd... he's going to COACHELLA this year sodara-sodaraaaa!! Daaaaannggg!!! Sumpah ya dip, you don't know how much I envy you. You owe me stories pokoknya abis dari sana. Cepet balik lah, let's prank call Idya again hahahaha.. dip, if you are reading this, you may laugh your ass off.


Pramesti WIdya Kirana said...

eh lo cuma ketemu 2x? masa si??? aaaaahhh. eh iya adip means this much to me too. my walking talking encyclopedia. dan dia DAPET BGT tu pas ngeprank call gw. haahahha

Ajeng said...

sekali bahkan! dia cuma sebentar sih disini. bener id, he's the living wikipedia hahaha dia kyknya ga mau prank call lo tapi lo minta di prank haahahaha kocak2

Anonymous said...

idya minta di prank , kapan2 lage ya id

Anonymous said...

thank god there're people created this way by God. aha, awesome buddy!

Ajeng said...

he is way too awesome!

Ajeng said...

adip: makanya cepet pulang lo!

Anonymous said...

wow, cinematographer, eh? trés cool! california too? very nice

Anonymous said...

hahaha kayaknya ogut ga balik taon ini , mao traveling ke iceland , hahaha i got tons of stories here , hahaha

Ajeng said...

aisha: yeah, san fransisco to be exact.
adip: for real? shite, man! ol dong