
Killing time

The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer.” After that tag 10 People.
The age of my next birthday:
A place I'd like to travel to:
BarcelonaNYCSan Diego, CA Favorite place:
Plaza SenayanCoffee shopsBookstores Favorite food(s):
Favorite things:
MoviesIce hazelnut latte
Favorite color(s):

The city where I was born in:
The city where I have ever lived in:

A nickname I have:

Itink. It's because I have a curly hair. Itink/Iting means curly.

Name of my love:My family. They top everything.

A bad habit:


The hobbies:

I tag everyone. Do as you please.


Pramesti WIdya Kirana said...

itink! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. gw ngakak nyet negliat itu. hahhaa

Anonymous said...

aduhh umi ajeng lucu sekalii g tau knp hehehe

Ajeng said...

idya: tau tuh ada aja lagi gambarnya

Ajeng said...

hana: hahaha bisa aja nih, makasih ya.

Ardy said...

gw pengen punya coffee shop sendiri