

it may seem contrary from the title but what i love about writing this post is, despite the fact that i'm in garut doin this bakti desa, i can still access the world wide web straight from my cellphone. and god bless indosat for its signal strength.
however there's one thing that's been bugging me lately which is my brother's annoyance. he's on his top for being #1 annoyer i think. he doesn't actually doing it in purpose. but still, that bothers me A LOT! first, he made promises he couldn't keep. second, he's been ignoring me. i don't know why but he just does that. third, he only came to me when he needed help. urrgh such a kkb (kakak kalo butuh).
ah yaudah lah. i got a senam pagi rame2 now. and tonite we'll have bonfire!

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