

I know it's waaay too late to post about Brandon Boyd's art exhibition but I just can't bear to spill it. Ok, so his exhibition was held on September 8-27 2008 at Mr. Musichead Gallery, Hollywood, CA. He did all the artwork by himself. It was his first solo exhibition after all. Mr. Boyd claims, "I have been drawing and creating visual works my entire life, as long as I can remember." and the man proved that by these paintings:

Brain Diagram
Heart and Skulls
Spilling/Spinning (the green one) was the main painting of the show
The Plunge
And pics from the opening:

Why Ectoplasm? "It's these bulbous masses that are very organic looking and they turn and twist and fold. They go where they want to go. They are completely spontaneous and they get these beautiful, twisting, hair-like effects to them... They would use gauze or animal innards that they would hide when the lights were low, and they would distract with sounds and bump the table, and people would look at the table, they’d spit [the ectoplasm] out, basically saying, “This is the spirit world contacting us; this is the physical spirit matter... I started to notice that the gauze stuff looks like what I draw... I started spilling them out of characters mouths and out of their ears... I found it interesting that the idea of a medium whose job it is to go into a trance and pull information of existence from a different plane or a different sphere into this world, is so much like the artistic experience... That's why I ended up titling it 'Ectoplasm'," said Brandon Boyd.

Goodluck Brandon for your visual arts and your art school. All the best!

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